Friday, January 30, 2015

HDR Photography

HDR photography Is short for High Dynamic Range, It Is used for pro photography levels. It Is used for photographers because the human eye Is better then the cameras, so we adjust It the right way to stand out. We use It to find the right colors and for this reason Is why I like It because you can change It within your choice. This way of photography which Is hard but when you get the hang of It Its actually pretty awesome. For me I like It but Its a long process of the making to the final step.

To create a HDR picture step by step you have to take seven pictures, but with those seven pictures you adjust the brightness and the darkness. On each picture you take seven pictures and have one picture on the brightness and the darkness like this; -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3. Then once you import the pictures on to the computer In one document you can open photoshop. In photoshop In file, automatic, and merge to HDR you should then get the pictures and move on. From there they give you options on the photo and then what I do Is play with the adjustments and see I like and think what people will like.

For my last to projects with HDR I had to take four-teen pictures, but seven for each requirement. The two pictures had to be of 1.) A Landscape and 2.) A Portrait. I did the portrait first because I needed to be done what Is the hardest, and It took me several tries but I got It at last. The landscape pictures seemed harder because I didn't have a tripod, but I found my spot of focus and did my best to stay still. To turn It In on time was also hard because I had to use my dads camera for the project so he trusted me on taking the memory card with me so I could get my credit on time. This was a cool and unexpected project and Im glad I did It.
                                                                      Photos by me



  1. i like how the text matches with the different sky colors.
    what does create have to do with the picture?
    Its very surreal.

  2. Looks very surreal,
    He's looking, well at the camera, looks kinda odd.
    The text is purffffffect with the background.

  3. really great colors for the background
    the guy is not sureal
    good placement

  4. Compliment:The background is super surreal!
    Criticism:The guy looks like he is not actually there
    Compliment: I like how the orange looks like it's coming from the mountain

  5. Complement: Landscape is vibrant and balanced
    Criticism: Word doesn't match anything in the image
    Complement: Decently Surreal

  6. I like how surreal it is. The yellow glow on the mountains is really cool!
    Layer effects on the character aren't the best. I can barely see them.
    I really like the rule of thirds. The word has really cool layer effects!

  7. This is such an awesome superimpose photo. GOod rule of third. I am in love with your landscape

  8. I really love your landscape!!!!!!!!
    Next time you should make your model not look straight at the camera.
    I still really really really love your background.

  9. I like the surrealism in your landscape
    You could improve his expression
    You nailed the rule of thirds

  10. Your landscape is absolutely stunning! The text could've been more rule of thirds, but the surreal-ness of the landscape is so amazing!

  11. Nice landscape
    could of have a better backround on the portrait
    nice picture on your final photo

  12. I like how you made the text look like the sunset
    you have to make the person in the picture more realistic
    It is very surreal

  13. Really well done and surreal.
    The word does not stand out.
    The word "Create" matches perfectly with the picture.

  14. I like how you put a gradient on your word "Create" It makes it blend into the sky better.
    You might have wanted to play around with the customization on your text a little more so it stands out.
    Other than that, great superimpose image you placed your portrait well.

  15. Your backround is amazing
    what does create mean or have to do with the picture
    amazing job

  16. Your backround is amazing
    what does create mean or have to do with the picture
    amazing job

  17. I really like your landscape photo!
    One thing that could be better is to make your person look at a different direction.
    I also like your text and how you made it a gradient overlay to match!:)

  18. I really like your landscape photo!
    One thing that could be better is to make your person look at a different direction.
    I also like your text and how you made it a gradient overlay to match!:)

  19. Compliment: The landscape is beautiful and it's very vibrant
    Improvement:Could have fix your rule of thirds and the opacity
    Compliment: Great gradient overlay on the words

  20. great landscape very bright cool colors experiment shot up against a wall, i like how you added the gradient to your text

  21. I love your landscape! The colors are so nice and work really well together!
    I think you could have made the word bigger.
    I like how you added a gradient overlay to your words.

  22. One word..... WOW!!! I really love the landscape photo!
    You could've blended him into the picture because he looks like he isn't real.
    Great super impose!

  23. Really surreal... I like it. This is very well done your horizon could be more strait. But nice !

  24. I love the vibrance of the background.
    You could have made the subject look to the left.
    I like the overall image.

  25. Your background is super surreal
    I don't understand the text you used.
    I liked the overall superimpose.
