Comedy Is one of the main characteristics that make people like you more or as a friend. Having a laugh can come In between things that are funny, makes sense, or just stupid that we have to laugh because how ridiculous somethings can be In life. Everybody laughs or to the people who don't we laugh at them to show how ridiculous they look or sound when denying laughing Is not fun or good, and thats why we laugh to how stupid It Is. Scaring people Is not just for the fear for the victim, It Is also for you to laugh at there reaction because we often don't see our friends screaming for bloody murder. Trust me It Is very funny! So having a good humor can really help on finding people you want to be friends with or stay with your friends when they are mad at you, and yes It Is very funny.
Five tips of humorous narrative are good timing like you cant skip a joke and go back to It In 5 minutes unless It has a story to go with the answer. You also cant have more then one character besides yourself because It Is a monologue. You also shouldn't cant have another visual except yourself In the monologue. Another tip Is to have your monologue remember because what If you are up on stage and you freeze. The last and most helpful tip Is to show emotion and see what joke Is a success and which one Is not because It a comedic monologue.
My comedic monologue includes a humorous and logical page to Its appearance as I talk about a shoe how It costs five dollars manufacturing and they add a logo to It making the price to sell over 50 dollars! This Is funny because we all don't realize how much money they rip us off on profits and we should often learn think twice on If Its a deal or not. Other parts of my monologue include a literal term of me literally hitting on a pile of jokes, you will understand more about this on my video being shown next blog post. WARNING THE NEXT BLOG POST MAY INCLUDE FINE-CUT PERFECTION COMEDY VIDEO!
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